Friday 28 June 2013

Introducing our new electric vehicle!

As part of our on-going commitment to reducing ours, and our clients' environmental impact, we are proud to unveil our new electric vehicle, a Kangoo ZE, which joins our fleet today. 

The new vehicle forms part of our wider fleet, offering clients green delivery  options  including  the UK’s largest pushbike fleet . 

As a company we do all we can to reduce our impact on the environment - from recycling in our offices to switching to 100% green energy suppliers - but there is always more we can do.

We know the choice of vehicle for each and every job plays an important part in this and contributes to the overall carbon footprint for our clients too. And while we would love to have more electric vehicles in our fleet, for the time being anyway, there are still many challenges ahead in making this a reality.

With the considerable initial investment required, the limited range, low residual value and reduced flexibility of electric vehicles, they are not always a viable option for our couriers or our clients. 

That said, within certain niche areas of our business, electric vehicles can play an important role and we will continue to work in partnership with clients to determine where they make both financial and environmental sense.

Combined with our Carbon Offset Programme, ensuring our drivers are driving in the most fuel efficient way (supported by our Smarter Driving Training in partnership with the Energy Trust’s Motorvate scheme),  growing our pushbike fleet, reducing the number of road journeys through smart scheduling and reducing energy consumption in our offices, our new electric venture strengthens a key pillar in our plan to reduce our impact on the environment.

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